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Facts about Port of Horten

Below you will find miscellaneous facts about Horten Harbour, mostly technical facts, but also useful phone numbers if there is something special you are searching for.

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Contact us

Horten Havn
Visitors: Tollbugt. 2, 3192 HORTEN – Post: Postbox 167, 3192 HORTEN
Phone: 0047 33 08 64 00 
E-mail: postmottak@hortenhavn.no

Our office is open; 08:00 – 15:30

Issue Ship Sanitation certificates

Horten municipality is authorised by the Norwegian Directorate of Health as «Port Health Authority» to carry out hygiene inspections and to issue Ship Sanitation certificates for ships sailing in international waters, cf. The International Health Regulations (IHR regulations) § 21. 

We issue three types of certificate:

Ship Sanitation Control Excemption Certificate (SSCEC – valid for 6 months)
Ship Sanitation Control Certificate (SSCC – valid or 6 months)
Extension of excisting SSCEC or SSCC (Extension Certificate – valid for 30 days). Can be issued in exceptional cases only.
We appreciate your request for inspection by e-mail: postmottak@hortenhavn.no, which must contain the following information:

Name of the ship, flag state, IMO no. and contact information
Contact information to agent when an agent orders the service
Where the ship arrives from as well as the desired time and place of inspection
Copy of last issued ship sanitation certificate
PO/reference and invoice/billing address
Form can be downloaded here.

Contact information (08:00-15:30, Mon-Fri): +47 33 08 64 00

About the certificate

The purpose of hygiene certificates is to help prevent the spread of events that may affect international public health. This includes, among other things, control of hygiene procedures in galleys, for handling and storage of food, for potable water, for hospitals, in swimming pools and sanitary rooms as well as waste management procedures. For details, see checklist in WHO’s Handbook for Inspection of Ships and Issuance of Ship Sanitation Certificates.

The Norwegian Directorate of Health has the overall administrative responsibility for hygiene certificates for ships in Norwegian ports and define Norwegian certification fees. For more information on the International Health Regulations, approved ports and current fees, see The Norwegian Direcorate of Health's web site about Ship Sanitation Certificates.

Pier #1
Location North side
Length 175m / 574f
Depth 7.0m / 22.7f
Other 20 ton rail portal crane
Pier #2
Location South side
Length 135m / 442f
Depth 7.0m / 22.9f
Other Ro-Ro ramp 13m/42f wide
Pier #3
Lokasjon East side (end of quay)
Length 95m / 311.5f
Depth 6m / 19.5f
Other -
Rustad pier
Location Marina south side
Length 100m / 328f
Depth 5m / 16.3f
Other Limited access for larger vessels
Crane 1 1 Rail Portal Crane at pier #1. Lifting Capacity: 20
Crane 2 1 Mobile port crane. Lifting Capacity: 25t
Location South side of Horten Harbour
Docks 90 places for smaller vessels e.g (Yachts)
Depth 1-3m/3-9f (Marina 3m/9f)
Other Diesel gas pump (May 1th – Sept. 1th) restaurants, free wireless internet and tourists office.
Location Åsgårdstrand, south of Horten towards Tønsberg.
Docks 20 places for smallers vessels e.g (Yachts)
Depth 1-3m/3-9f
Other Diesel/gas pump with self served payment machine, kiosk (summer season).